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Electronics for H2FC Stack Application Prototyping

Automation control unit for hydrogen fuel-cell stack application prototyping


  • 19"-rack enclosure 
    • 9U height, 150mm depth
    • Power supply 24VDC 480W
    • I/O modules for peripheral signals
    • Spring terminals for peripheral power
    • Power relay as stack output current switch
  • Connection for
    • Actuators: valves, air compressor, H2 recirculation, cooling, fans, backpressure regulator, water pump, output relay
    • Sensors: pressure, conductivity, temperature (TC K-type, Pt100), water flow-meter, water level sensor
  • Stack measurements
    • Vstack 0..120 V
    • Istack 0..200 A
    • Individual cell voltage/temperature sensing
  • Software
    • Automation server and remote monitoring software
    • Customizable process scripts, data logging, data visualization


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